Remote Twinning - The haberdashery is open!
Welcome to another edition of remote twinning where Christina and myself twin in a dress featuring dresses that we have talking about for years! This dress by Meta is my favourite WfH dress because it's so comfy! I have also been informed that the other cut is ALSO mega comfy! I called this dress 'Princess Wardrobe' but apparently it's called 'Lace Up Doll'... does it have multiple names??? Once again, our wardrobes have little in common (it is now common fact that not many people own the things that I do ^^') we tried to pull together similar elements including a short sleeved blouse with peter pan collar, lace legs and out hair in buns! 'The haberdashery is now open!' In honour of The Great British Sewing Bee (episode 1 was 22nd April!) and the theme of the dress, we took sewing/ dressmaking themed photos and I Photoshopped us together in a sewing room which we wished was ours! It was hard to get the right lighting ...