Comfy Coords - Lockdown Edition

Going to meets is my main source of human interaction outside of work and besides the occasions where Eden and Persie come round and have dinner with me, it’s the only socailising I do so the current situation has left me feeling a little… lost? I feel like my frilly weekends are quite a big part of my life so having them removed feels strange.
However, I am going to do my best to not abandon my frills for the duration of this lockdown just because I’m not going to a meet! We’ve tried to make virtual meets a thing and since I’m working from home, I’m trying to keep up with what I like to call ‘WfH: Frilly Edition’ but you can call it whatever you want! Since most of the time will be spent sitting and poking around my flat, comfort is key so here I wanted to share some of my comfy looks so far!

Cutsew –Taobao
Socks – Anna House
Necklace – Angelic Pretty
Brooch – After Midnight

First things first, nothing says comfy more than a cutsew! That’s probably why I often find myself opting for a cutsew over a blouse. I find Emily Temple Cute dresses to be on the thinner side and the ones I have owned aren’t lined. However, I think this makes it more comfy to wear because there’s no layers to get bunched up and stuff and the simple cuts makes them super easy to wear! Since working from home, I have found myself on the receiving end of video conference demos so this getup was a pleasant surprise for my colleague!

JSK – Meta
Sweater – Liz Lisa
Unicorn Gin – Manchester Drinks Co (lol)

This is possibly my laziest, most half assed coord to date but you know what? It was a Sunday evening and I was going to play Cards against Lolitas… my pinks don’t match and I don’t even have socks on but whatever – sue me! FIY Princess Wardrobe is the MOST comfortable dress EVER!

JSK – Angelic Pretty
Top – Primark
Socks – Anna House

Another WfH look! Who knew it was possible to make Radioactive Cupcakes casual huh? I’d have put a bow on my head but headbands are kind of out of the question because my work headset won’t fit on at the same time. So this JSK sits ever so slightly higher than my natural waistline so it’s also very comfy to sit for like 7 hours in!

JSK – After Midnight
Top – Primark
Boots – Kwai Fong Plaza

This look is pre-lockdown but this dress is ALSO mega comfy! I think it’s my life mission to make every dress that I sew as comfy as possible! I wore it out casually after a horrible week at work to treat myself to a cream tea and cake before going back to the flat to do household chores – I was super comfy the whole time and I’m sure the shirred back helped!


So that’s my cut of my comfiest cords so far! What about you? Do you have any dresses that you especially love because of how comfortable they are?

- Part Time 小姐


  1. My go-to lolita pieces for comfort are usually skirts because fewer layers on top of each other. Especially the fully shirred ones from Meta are an absolute godsend <3

    1. I've not had a fully shirred Meta skirt in the longest time! I'm not very skirt friendly though... I find a lot of them squeeze me a little too much around the middle and with layers it's not overly comfortable if I sit for a long time :< maybe it's about meeting the right ones!

  2. I loved your coords as they indeed look quite comfy! hahah I tend to prioritize comfort over a bunch fo other aspects when choosing my dresses, so it was quite a delight to see yours!

    1. Thank you darling! Sometimes it depends on the type of meet or if there is a theme but I also usually prioritise being comfy... I've even ditched a coord the morning of the meet for a comfy option haha!

  3. Lockdown frills, yes! I'm so happy about many of us wearing our frills inside, such an amazing oportunity to get creative and do nice coords! The radioactive cake one is super nice.
    Actually on my last post I talk about one of my favourite dresses by Indrolita Couture, so so SO comfy 8and it has pockets!).

    1. Me too! I'm glad so many of us are keeping in the frilly spirit and I feel like it makes we want to do my lifestylish things! Ah thank you! I wasn't sure if it'd be too plain and forced to be casual since it's such a crazy print but I was mega comfy and working from home so whatever haha!
      You had me at pockets! I will have to have a look at that! ;)


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