It's Time to OT-Tea Party!
Is an OT-Tea Part really OTT if you don’t go all out? I decided that I would wear my Hanfu OP from Myths of Our Own again because I didn’t want a dress I loved so much to be a one wear wonder and I think that’s what I want my final form to be - Hanfu lolita. SO! Let’s take a moment to talk about this dress that I love so much! With its heavier weight and classic Hanfu detailing and fox embroidery, this dress spoke to me on SO many levels and I was at the height of my 10 Miles of Peach Blossom obsession so I HAD to have it. I have no idea what the official name of this dress is but I’m going to have a stab at ‘Nine Tailed Fox Embroidery OP ‘– that’s what I’d call it! When I wore it at Myths, I literally threw on as it came along with the overskirt. This time I wanted to find a different way to style this dress. Admittedly, this is a struggle and it’s probably why I don’t own many OPs! In an ideal world, I would have liked to have made a floor length Hanfu overdress w...